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polar2grid_2_1_Remapping error

Posted: Thu May 04, 2017 1:11 am
by Dmitry
Dear Dave,

I can not perform the processing of an Aqua data chop.
The system gives out the following error:

./ -p vis01 -g lcc_fit -f a1.17123.1100.1000m.hdf a1.17123.1100.geo.hdf INFO : Initializing reader...
INFO : Initializing remapping...
INFO : Initializing backend...
INFO : Initializing compositor objects...
INFO : Extracting swaths from data files available...
INFO : Creating navigation product 'longitude_1000m'
INFO : Creating navigation product 'latitude_1000m'
INFO : Creating data product 'vis01'
INFO : Creating data product 'solar_zenith_angle'
INFO : Creating secondary product 'vis01'
INFO : Remapping to grid lcc_fit
INFO : Grid information:
grid_name: lcc_fit
proj4_definition: +proj=lcc +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +lat_0=25 +lat_1=25 +lon_0=-95 +units=m +no_defs
cell_width: 1000.0
cell_height: -1000.0
width: 5287
height: 4490
origin_x: 5258107.36076
origin_y: 9812053.85272
ERROR : Remapping error
ERROR : Remapping data failed

I stored the data here: ... EhZVGdQZnc

Please, I need your assistance.


Re: polar2grid_2_1_Remapping error

Posted: Thu May 04, 2017 8:13 am
by davidh
Hi Dmitry,

I looked at your files and there is one major issue I see. It seems that the reflectance data in the "1000m" file only has 810 rows while the geolocation data in the "geo" file has 3870 rows. Polar2Grid fails in this case because it assumes that the geolocation for a channel will be the same size as the array. Were these files generated in some non-standard way? I'll talk to Kathy Strabala about this since she has more experience with MODIS L1B files. Polar2Grid will not work with these files the way they are, sorry.


Re: polar2grid_2_1_Remapping error

Posted: Thu May 04, 2017 9:43 am
by Dmitry
Dear Dave,

Yes, I additionally use the cutting of part....using:

echo "(Starting MODISL1DB cutting processing)"

$OCSSWROOT/run/bin/linux_64/lonlat2pixline -x 1400 -y 400 -v $file_geo 27.58301 53.91297 > $PWD/cutting.txt
sline=$(grep "sline" cutting.txt | cut -c7-)
eline=$(grep "eline" cutting.txt | cut -c7-)
spixl=$(grep "spixl" cutting.txt | cut -c7-)
epixl=$(grep "epixl" cutting.txt | cut -c7-)

echo l1aextract_modis $file_l1a $spixl $epixl $sline $eline $file_l1a
$OCSSWROOT/run/bin/linux_64/l1aextract_modis $file_l1a $spixl $epixl $sline $eline $file_l1a.sub

file_l1a_sub=$(ls -1tr *.L1A_LAC.sub | tail -1)
echo $file_l1a_sub --threshold 80 $dem_flag
$OCSSWROOT/run/scripts/ocssw_runner --ocsswroot $OCSSWROOT -v $file_l1a_sub -a aqua.att -e aqua.eph --threshold 80 $dem_flag

if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Level 1A cutting processing failed for input file: "$file_l1a_sub
exit 1
echo "(Finishing MODISL1DB cutting processing)"

# Run MODISL1DB calibration processing
echo "(Starting MODISL1DB calibration processing)"
file_geo_sub=$(ls -1tr *.GEO.sub | tail -1)
#echo $file_l1a_sub $file_geo
$OCSSWROOT/run/scripts/ocssw_runner --ocsswroot $OCSSWROOT $file_l1a_sub $file_geo_sub
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Level 1A to Level 1B processing failed for input file: "$file_l1a
exit 1
echo "(Finishing MODISL1DB calibration processing)"


Re: polar2grid_2_1_Remapping error

Posted: Fri May 05, 2017 12:38 pm
by kathys
Hi Dmitry,

It seems that you are executing the modisl1db software in a way that makes data subsets (not standard output HDF4 MODIS DB or archived L1B files). Unfortunately, polar2grid does not support non-standard, non-matching Level 1 MODIS calibration/geolocation files.


Re: polar2grid_2_1_Remapping error

Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 1:11 am
by Dmitry
Dear Kathy,

Please, pardon, but I am not agree with your answer. The hdf file structure is the standard one.
I have found the error: the file.geo is not rewrite during the chop cutting. It is rewritten now and suits to the relevant 1000m, 500m, 250m data size.

Best regards,

Re: polar2grid_2_1_Remapping error

Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 6:40 am
by davidh

So you got it working now? If I'm understanding you correctly the problem was with the cutting software.


Re: polar2grid_2_1_Remapping error

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 4:25 am
by Dmitry
Dear Dave,

The problem was with the processing scenario. The p2g has nothing to do in this case.
