CSPP Geo software release: AIT Framework L2 Beta Package

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CSPP Geo software release: AIT Framework L2 Beta Package

Post by jbraun »

Dear Colleagues,

The CSPP Geo Team is pleased to announce that the AIT Framework Level 2 package, Version 1.0.9 beta, is now available for download. The core functionality is to process ABI Level 1B data, generating Level 2 geophysical products and optionally creating quicklook images. The software is intended to be run at a direct broadcast site, processing GOES-16 data received via the GOES Rebroadcast (GRB) stream.

Because this is a beta version, users should expect that there may be changes to the interface and core functionality before the final Version 1.0 release. We would be grateful for any feedback you are able to provide, which will help us to improve the software.

We would like to acknowledge our collaborators in the Algorithm Integration Team located at NOAA STAR, as well as the members of the GOES-R Science Team, for developing the core product software and for their assisttance in this effort.

The software and documentation can be downloaded from the CSPP Geo website (free registration and login required). Refer to the Software Users' Guide for instructions on installing, configuring and running the software.


The Software Users' Guide also describes system requirements, changes included in this version, and known issues affecting the software.

Please contact csppgeo.issues@ssec.wisc.edu with any feedback or questions.

Best regards,
Graeme, on behalf of the CSPP Geo Team
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