CSPP Geo software release: GRB v0.4 Prototype

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CSPP Geo software release: GRB v0.4 Prototype

Post by jbraun »

The CSPP Geo team is pleased to announce that the GRB Version 0.4 Prototype software package is now available for download. The purpose of this software is to process data received from the GOES-16 satellite (formerly GOES-R) via the GOES Rebroadcast (GRB) direct broadcast stream.

This is planned to be the final release of the GRB package before the stream is turned on and populated with data. We are planning to release GRB Version 1 after the software has been tested on real data and any issues have been addressed.

The major new features and improvements in this release are:

Updates to support processing the latest test data from the ground system (DOE-4), included as the 0.4 test package.
Significant performance improvements to ingestor.
Configurable logging support added to ingestor.
Added support for Dec 2016 leap second.
Added a global event log for tracking major events in the GRB stream.
Added a prototype "tracking" interface for processing ABI images as blocks arrive.
Quicklooks are now generated as projected images with coastlines and geographic boundaries

The GRB software, documentation and test data can be downloaded from the CSPP Geo website:


Note that the GRB Software Interface Control Document (ICD) has been updated for the 0.4 release, to described the new event logging and tracking interfaces. There are no changes to the upstream interface. The latest ICD can be downloaded from the "Documents" tab on the website.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to respond to me, or contact csppgeo.issues@ssec.wisc.edu for technical support.

Best regards,
Graeme, on behalf of the CSPP Geo team
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