Missing ancillary files

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Missing ancillary files

Post by kathys »


No new ancillary SST files that are used by the AIT Framework software posted by the data provider since 24 November 2019. This is causing the CSPP Geo Level 2 AIT software to fail. To prevent this, we have renamed the most recent valid file to a new date, 2 December 2019. and posted that file on the CSPP Geo ancillary data distribution site. This date change may slightly affect the AIT retrievals, but since the vast majority of the SSTs do not change that quickly, we do not expect the effects to be large or widespread. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

The ancillary files of interest (for example): avhrr-only-v2.20191124_preliminary.nc

The CSPP Geo group.
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