IMAPP Software Release: MODIS Level 2 Product Software

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IMAPP Software Release: MODIS Level 2 Product Software

Post by kathys »

IMAPP Software Announcement: MODIS Level 2 Products v3.1.2 Release


The University of Wisconsin-Madison Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC) has provided funding to rehabilitate core International MODIS/AIRS Processing Package (IMAPP) functionality. This software supports direct broadcast users of Terra and Aqua satellites. The updates will take place January 2021 through June 2021, and will culminate in a release of a new Direct Broadcast Virtual Machine (DBVM).

To initiate this effort, we are pleased to announce an updated IMAPP MODIS Level 2 products Version 3.1.2 release.

What is New in IMAPP MODIS Level 2 V3.1.2?

IMAPP MODIS Level 2 Version 3.1.2 includes the following changes:
  • * Bug fix in ancillary data fetching scripts; failures were happening on some Linux bash shell versions.
    * Infrared destriping coefficient updates.
    * Updated science binaries that can be executed on long direct broadcast overpasses. The MODIS atmosphere science algorithms have not changed (MODIS Collect 6.1).
    * New tarballs
    • MAPP_MODISL2_V3.1.2.tar.gz
This is not a patch. If you have previously installed IMAPP Version 3.1, a new installation is required.

IMAPP MODIS Level 2 supports the Creation of the Following Products From Aqua and Terra Level 1B inputs:

  • * MODIS Cloud Mask (MOD35).
    * MODIS Cloud Top Properties (MOD06CT) including Cloud Top Pressure, Cloud Top Temperature, Cloud Emissivity and Cloud Phase.
    * MODIS Cloud Optical Properties (MOD06OD) including Cloud Effective Radius and Cloud Optical Thickness.
    * MODIS Atmospheric Profiles (MOD07) including Total Column Water Vapor.
    * MODIS Aerosols (MOD04) including Aerosol Optical Depth.
    * A polar product suite consisting of:
    • 1 km Snow Mask
      1 km Ice Surface and Surrounding Water Temperatures
      1 km Ice Cover and Ice Concentration
      1 km Inversion Strength (C) and Inversion Depth (km)
    IMAPP Sea Surface Temperature.
    IMAPP Near Infrared Total Column Water Vapor.
    MODIS Cloud Mask First Byte easy to read product.
The polar product software was developed by the University of Wisconsin-Madison cryosphere team headed by Dr. Jeff Key, NOAA/ASPB. The set of polar products will be created if the center of the MODIS pass is north of 60 North Latitude or South of 60 South Latitude. The software for these products has not changed since the previous IMAPP MODIS Version 3.1 release.

System Requirements

System requirements for the IMAPP MODIS Level 2 software are as follows:
  • * Intel or AMD CPU with 64-bit instruction support,
    * 4 GB RAM,
    * CentOS 6 64-bit Linux (or other compatible 64-bit Linux distribution),
    * 90 GB of disk space,
    * Reliable internet connection (for downloading ancillary data).
The package includes installation and execution instructions, as well as source code, pre-compiled statically linked executables and individual product documentation.

You can download the MODIS Level 2 software from the IMAPP website at:


The University of Wisconsin IMAPP Team
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