Are hsd data scaled by geocat tools?

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Are hsd data scaled by geocat tools?

Post by laetis »

I downloaded the CSSP-geocat scripts to convert hsd himawari-9 files to netcdf files. When I look at the resulting file I am a bit puzzled. The meta data seems to indicate integers pixelated data that need to be scales, a scaling factor and offset is given. However when looking at the values, they seem already scaled.
Here what I have when exploring the L1 nc files geocat as produced:

Code: Select all

<class 'netCDF4._netCDF4.Variable'>
int16 himawari_9_ahi_channel_11_brightness_temperature(lines, elements)
    _FillValue: -32768
    add_offset: 275.00000000000006
    algorithm_index: 32
    algorithm_name: NA
    algorithm_version: NA
    long_name: pixel-resolution array of brightness temperatures for channel 11 from himawari_9_ahi
    reference: all data are referenced to the instrument-native channels
    scale_factor: 0.003204443494979705
    scaling_method: 1
    units: K
    valid_max: 32767
    valid_min: -32767
    valid_range: [-32767  32767]
unlimited dimensions: 
current shape = (5500, 5500)
There is a scale factor, an offset and values are expected between -32767 and 32767.
If I print the value of the data in this field, I have:

Code: Select all

array([187.20786157, 187.70775475, 187.9544969 , ..., 313.40525529,
       313.53984191, 313.65520188])
which seems already scaled. Moreover, if I wanted to rescale this data, the range of the data would then be [ 275.6 276]. It's not making much sense.
I would, however, very much to be certain that the data produce by geocat are already scale beside what is printed in the meta data. Could someone confirm that?

Thank you very much

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Re: Are hsd data scaled by geocat tools?

Post by kathys »


If you are using a python shell to inspect the values, then python NetCDF4 applies the scale_factor and add_offset automatically and presents the data as already rescaled. If you do not want this to happen, you can get the unaltered values by using the following command:


Let us know if you have any more questions,

Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Aug 29, 2023 7:03 am

Re: Are hsd data scaled by geocat tools?

Post by laetis »


thank you very much for this answer. I was indeed using python and I had no idea it was auto scaling! First time using this lib... should have read the doc better....

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