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What projection does AIRS use for projection in Basemap

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 4:16 pm
by nobrainer612
Does anyone knows what type of projection AIRS use in Basemap?
I tried to search on internet but found no answer.

Hope I am able to find the answer from somebody in here. Thank you

Re: What projection does AIRS use for projection in Basemap

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 2:35 pm
by kathys
Can you provide me with a little more information please? I am not familiar with Basemap. Is it GIS software?

Are interested in display the native AIRS L1B radiances, or Level 2 retrieval products?


Re: What projection does AIRS use for projection in Basemap

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 12:11 am
by nobrainer612
There are a bunch of projection in Basemap: ... setup.html
And I want to display the AIRS L1B radiances. But I don't know which one is the best to use.
I know Merc is the projection to display MODIS. But no idea which one to use for AIRS on Aqua.

Re: What projection does AIRS use for projection in Basemap

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 1:19 pm
by kathys
AIRS Radiance files are stored with one latitude and one longitude value for every Field-of0View. So there is a one to one correspondence. From there you can map it to whatever projection you want. MODIS L1B 1km files contain latitude and longitude values for every 5th line and 5th element. If you use the separate geolocation file, it contains latitude and longitude at 1 km resolution; so a one to one correspondence with the 1km radiance values. So the mapping as with AIRS would be the same. Again, you can remap to whatever projection you want, depending on where you are. If using Mercator projection creates images that you like at your location from MODIS data, then it will do the same for AIRS data.

I hope this helps,
