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GOES-18 GND-006 Post-Launch-Test, May 9, 2022

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2022 4:02 pm
by tommyj
GND-006 is a GOES-18 PLT (Post-Launch Test) which will be conducted May 9, 2022 between 17:00Z and 19:00Z. The purpose is to test the capability of interleaving data from one satellite into the GRB data transmitted from another satellite. In this test, GOES-16 ABI and GOES-17 GLM and Space Weather products will be interleaved with and distributed via GOES-18 GRB. Sites running the CSPP Geo GRB software package may participate in this test by following the instructions in this forum post.

GND-006 Pre-test configuration and expectations during test.

If CSPP Geo GRB is currently running on the test machine, shut the ingest software down:

Change to the install directory for your system, e.g.:

cd cspp-geo-grb-1.0

Make sure the CSPP environment is initialized properly, for example:

export CSPP_GEO_GRB_OUT=$PWD/output

Stop the software:

./ stop

Edit RT-CSPP/jsw/conf/grb-ingestor.conf

Change the configuration file which specifies which satellite the software is expecting to process data from, to GOES-18:

Make sure you have an antenna pointed at 89.5 degrees west for GOES-18, locked with adequate signal strength. If the source of the GOES-18 test data is different from the current demodulator your software is configured to receive from, you will need to update the appropriate IP addresses, depending on whether the system is configured for Unicast or Multicast.

If Unicast, update this parameter:<Unicast IP address>
...and make sure this line is commented out:
#<Multicast Group IP address>

If Multicast, update these parameters:<Multicast IP address><Multicast Group IP address>

A few hours before May 9, 2022, 17:00Z, start the ingest software:

./ start

If you have signal lock on GOES-18 telemetry, you will likely see only a count
of fill-data frames in the GRB logs until the test begins:

tail -f output/log/ingest/grb.log

jvm 1 | 2022/04/15 20:30:48.136 | [INFO ] (CaduService) VCID63 (Idle) CADUs per minute: 1532
jvm 1 | 2022/04/15 20:31:48.092 | [INFO ] (CaduService) VCID5 (Right) CADUs per minute: 0
jvm 1 | 2022/04/15 20:31:48.092 | [INFO ] (CaduService) VCID6 (Left) CADUs per minute: 0
jvm 1 | 2022/04/15 20:31:48.092 | [INFO ] (CaduService) VCID63 (Idle) CADUs per minute: 657
jvm 1 | 2022/04/15 20:32:48.148 | [INFO ] (CaduService) VCID5 (Right) CADUs per minute: 0
jvm 1 | 2022/04/15 20:32:48.148 | [INFO ] (CaduService) VCID6 (Left) CADUs per minute: 0

Once the test begins, the logs should indicate normal data processing, and GOES ABI products should
be generated, identified in the metadata as GOES-17 ABI L1b data.

The test should run approximately two hours. After the test ends, you may want to manually switch back to your pre-test configuration.